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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
nong ye ji xie hua yu ren cai pei yang
Pages: 111-116
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Beijing Agricultuer Engineering University

Keyword:  agricultural mechanizationChinaqualified scientists and technicians training;
Abstract: Agricultural mechanization is a key link of agricultural madernization. Developing agricultural mechanization is closely related with the qualifed scientists and technicians training.At present,the main problems existed in qualified scientists and technicians training are as follows:it is mostly short of specialized persons of talent in agricultural production fields; there exists a decreasing tendency in the number of the bases of training elementary persons of talent;the cader's quality is generally poor and the thought of the person of talent is instable;it is not quite reasonable for the structures of specialities in educational institutions; the distribution of educational institutions and specialities lost their balance somewhere in China;smaller scale and lack of activities in running for schools,colleges and universities.This paper gives the suggestions as follows: raising the realization of strategic position in education fields,straitening out the direction of running for schools,colleges and universities,putting the inner relationship in order,strengtheing the educational research, developing high education steadily and strengthening elementary education with great exertion,speeding up and deepenning the education reformation and strengthening the activities of running for schools,colleges and universities.
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