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Journal Articles
TEM observations of early incised wound surface of the rat muscles
Pages: 142-144
Year: Issue:  3

Keyword:  早期切创创壁肌肉显微镜检查电子;
Abstract: Objective:To explore the pathogenesis of early incised wound surface injuries.Methods:Animal model of early incised wound surface was established by surgical incisions of the rat muscle on an instant basis and l min,5min、15min、30min、45min、and 60min basis respectively. Structural changes were observed under electron microscope and compared with postmortem muscle injuries of different time.Results:No significant abnormality was observed on an instant injury.Vacuole and edema of mitochondria become increasingly serious. Small and local necrosis of myofibril fibers become more obvious and interstice of myofibril fibers become widened on lmin、5min、15min、inujries. On 30min、45min、and 60min injuries,increasing severity was observed. Vacuole and edema of mitochondria become very serious loss of crista. Contracting and waving pattern of some myofibril fibers also become very serious and local necrosis of myofibril fibers more obvious. Disorder arrangement of myofilament was found. Some myofibril fibers were broken and contracted into blocks.Irregular intranuclear inclusions perinuclear vacuole,chromatin homogenization large amount of unequal vacuole were seen in sarcoplasm. Major necrosis were seen in myofilament fibers.Supravital reaction and waving pattern were most obious in postmortem injury 15min.Conclusion:The experiment provids the pathological basis for the forensic investigation of early injury time deduction by observing structural changes of early incised muscle injury of different times.
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