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A Simple Interferometric Method for Measuring Electro-optic
Coefficients of Poled Polymer Thin Films
Author(s): YIN Xin, SHI Wei, FANG Chang-shui
Pages: 230-
Year: 2001
Keyword: 聚合物薄膜; 电光系数; 干涉法;
Abstract: A simple interferometric method for measuring the linear electro-optic coefficients of poled polymer films is described.This is based on compensating the optical path length due to the electro-optic effect of the poled polymer film by the aanti-piezoelectric effect of a quartz crystal.The value of the linear electro-optic coefficients of the poled polymer films relative to the piezoelectric constant all of a quartz crystal have been measured.This method can be used for measuring the linear electro-optic coefficients of all optical thin films.The linear electro-optic coefficients of several new poled polymer thin polymer films have been determined by using this method.
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