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Journal Articles
Evaluation of different trauma score systems
Pages: 138-140
Year: Issue:  3

Keyword:  创伤和损伤创伤评分预后;
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effective application of trauma score methods and decrease the errors of evaluation. Methods The injury severity of 1 855 patients, including 583 outpatients, 907 inpatients, and 365 ICU patients, evaluated with various common-used trauma score methods was analyzed comparatively.  Results The area under the receiver operating characteristics curves (AUC) of different trauma scoring methods were 0.81-0.91. Specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy were above 78%. Excessiveness of scale in severity and undertriage were found for physiological indexes; whereas insufficiency of scale in severity and overtriage for anatomic indexes. The errors may happen if the prognosis of trauma patients merely rely on physiological, anatomy or age parameters.  Conclusions The use of different trauma score methods should be in combination with individual conditions and specific injury.
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