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chong ye yuan zhu ke de zi zhen te xing
Author(s): Zhu Datong
Pages: 141-
Year: 1984
Journal: Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Keyword: 圆柱壳; 自振特性; 液动压力; 梁函数; 流体力学方程; 自振频率; 刚性段; 自由振动; 充液; 特征值问题;
Abstract: This paper deals with the free vibration of a finite circular cylindrical shell filled with in compressible, inviscous liquid. The shell connects with a circular cylindrical cavity surrounded by a rigid wall. The dynamic equations of the shell are based upon an exact moment theory, the displacements of the shell are approached by means of the functions of beam. The fluid dynamic equations in both the shell and cavity are reduced by the finite Hankel transformation. It is proved that the solutions obtained satisfy all the boundary conditions. In the present analysis the interaction between liquid and the structure is represented by genelarized fluid pressure, so that the problem of free vibration of an elastic cylindrical shell filled with liquid is reduced to solving a genelarized algebra eiegnvalue problem.In order to compare the solution with experimental data, the free vibration of a simple supported circular cylindrical shell with rigid slabs on both ends is studied. The natural frequencies of the empty and filled liquid shells are calculated. The numerical results show the relation between frequency and circumferential wave number, and the most easily excitable mode. Results of theoretical calculation agree with the experimental data.
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