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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
zuo mei su de yu zhi
Pages: 113-121
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Acta Microbiologica Sinica

Keyword:  链霉素越霉素紫外光处理培养液培养基优良菌种紫外光照射收回率毫升活性炭吸附法;
Abstract: In order to facilitate the production of streptomycin in this country,experi-mental procedures concerned have been studied by the authors in the hope thatthe results may prove helpful to the actual manufacturing process. Streptomyces selected with the aid of ultraviolet rays yielded certain strainsproducing 854 units per ml in the fermentation tank.However,the organism show-ed a marked tendency to variation with the loss of ability to produce antibioticswithin a short period of time.It has not yet been possible to maintain the hightitre variant in the laboratory thus far. The authors were able to check the various steps in the production of strepto-mycin by means of chemical determinations,which agreed within 5% with thebiological method.This chemical test could be carried to completion within twohours. The actual yield in the purification process was about 52%,and eventually thepurified sulfate salt contained 686 units per mg.It was also found to be free fromother types of streptomycin.
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