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guan yu tie lu gang qiao de pi lao jian suan
Author(s): Qian Dongsheng
Pages: 9-
Year: 1984
Journal: Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
Keyword: 疲劳检算; 设计规范; 列车活载; 试验成果; 名义应力; 疲劳强度; 列车荷载; 疲劳开裂; 桥梁; 重复加载;
Abstract: The paper introduces some new ideas in fatigue design of bridges: 1. Not the maximum stress, but the stress range, is a controlling factor; 2. Both the fatigue test data and the design specifications all the world over should be reviewed to broaden our knowledge on this problem; 3. Not the standard traffic loading, but the actual daily traffic spectrum should be used in bridge fatigue design; 4. Calculating the cumulative damage with the Miner's Rule, we can transform traffic spectrum into a simple equivalent traffic loading for fatigue design.
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