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ji ben li zi de xuan zhuan ji fa tai
Author(s): Division of Elementary Particles, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Peking University
Pages: 230-
Year: 1966
Journal: Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis
Keyword: 激发态; 介子; 基本粒子; 反对称波函数; 有效质量; 费米统计; 总角动量; 自旋角动量; 波面; 转动能量;
Abstract: The six independent coordinates in the center of mass system for the baryon consisting of three basic particles are separated into three external and three internal coordinates. The external wave function is an eigenfunction of angular momentum. The energy of rotational excitation may be estimated by a perturbation calculation. The result obtained is consistent with the view that the 7/2+ and 5/2+ baryons are rotational excited states of 3/2+ and 1/2+ baryons respectively. Similar consideration can be extended to the meson system and it is shown that the 2+ mesons may be considered as the rotational excited state of the 1~ mesons. The energy of excitation is of the order of magnitude 600 MeV for all cases.
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