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Journal Articles
Pulse Radiolysis Studies on Aqueous 4- Chlorophenol in Dilute Solutions
Pages: 151-157
Year: Issue:  2

Keyword:  4-氯酚脉冲辐解瞬态吸收光谱自由基;
Abstract: Pulse radiolysis of aqueous 4-chlorophenol in dilute solutions under different conditions wasstudied. The main characteristic peaks in these transient absorption spectra were attributed and the build-up/decay trends of several transient species were investigated. Under alkaline conditions, the reaction of OHradical and 4-chlorophenol produces chlorinated phenoxyl radical with a rate constant of 4.14 × 109 L/(mol·s); while under acid conditions, the initial product is mainly OH-adduct. The reaction of H with 4-chlorophenol produces H-adduct with a rate constant about 2.0×109 L/(mol·s) and the intermediate canremove C1 from itself gradually through a second-order reaction. In alkaline solutions, eaq-can capture Cldirectly from 4-chlorophenol with a rate constant about 1.82×109 L/(mol·s).
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