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Journal Articles
Cloning and characterization of a novel rat gene RSD5 differentially expressed in spermatogenesis
Pages: 118-122
Year: Issue:  2

Keyword:  精子发生基因克隆DDRT-PCRRSD5cDNA;
Abstract: For the understanding of the molecular mechanism of spermatogenesis,the method of DDRT-PCR(differential display reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) combined with segmentation technique of the seminiferous tubule was adopted to isolate and identify the differentially expressed genes in spermatogenesis.Three ESTs were used as the probes to screening the rat testis cDNA library.A cDNA named RSD5 was isolated from rat testis cDNA library.It is 1556bp in length,coding a protein of 176 amino acids with the GenBank accession number AF146738.The encoding protein of RSD5 cDNA has a potential PEST motif,which being a marker related to the rapid degradation.Northern blot analysis showed that the RSD5 gene was widely expressed in all of the eight examined tissues,whereas testis and brain presented a higher expression.The transcription of RSD5 mRNA in testis was detectable in 6,18,21,40 days after birth and reaches the highest level in 60 days testis of adult rat.The function of RSD5 in spermatogenesis remains further investigation.
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