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A Low-power Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Network Topology Control Algorithm
Author(s): KANG Yi-Mei1 LI Zhi-Jun2 HU Jiang3 DONG Ji-Chang4 1.Embedded Software Laboratory, College of Software, Beihang University, Beijing 100083 2.Wireless Communications Department of Siemens Corporate Technology, Beijing 100102 3.Beijing Institute of Computer Application and Technology, Beijing 100102 4.Platform Develop Department of Watchdata System Co, Ltd., Beijing 100102
Pages: 543-
Year: 2010
Journal: Acta Automatica Sinica
Keyword: 拓扑控制算法; 多跳网络; 分簇拓扑算法; 低能耗; 网络生存期;
Abstract: 提出一种低能耗层次型拓扑控制算法(A low-power hierarchical wireless sensor network topology control algo-rithm,简称LPH算法).该算法是一种支持多跳网络、降低能耗的多级组网控制算法.它将拓扑控制分为组网和拓扑维护两个阶段,其中组网阶段包括选择簇头、标识簇头及簇内节点、优化拓扑三个任务,算法在各个阶段、各个任务中都考虑了节能.同时,在簇头选择时考虑了簇头节点分布均衡问题,通过优化拓扑降低簇内通信能耗.其次,通过静态地址与动态地址结合的方式提高网络层次及可维护性.本文详细介绍了LPH算法及其思想,给出算法的空间复杂度、时间复杂度及能耗分析,并基于NS2仿真工具,对LEACH、PEGASIS和LPH三种算法分别进行了模拟仿真,说明LPH算法的性能与优势.
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