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Journal Articles
The changes of intestinal trefoil factor expression in rat small intestine after severe burn injury
Pages: 115-117
Year: Issue:  2

Keyword:  烧伤肠三叶因子;
Abstract: Objective To explore the changes of intestinal trefoil factor(ITF) as well as ITF mRNA expression in rat small intestine after severe burn injury .  Methods The distribution and the content of ITF in intestine were quantitatively determined with in situ hybridization (ISH), immunohistochemistry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  Results ITF and ITF mRNA were distributed in whole small intestine and most of them localized in goblet cell of intestinal villus. After burn injury, the structure of intestinal mucosa was severely damaged and ITF mRNA expression was lessened. Moreover, the ability of goblet cell synthesis and ITF secretion, especially ITF dimmer were significantly decreased, i.e., from (369.33±65.56) ng/g before burn injury to (15.83±4.40) ng/g 7 days after burn injury, only accounting for 4% of that before injury. Conclusions The post burn damage to intestinal structure is the main cause for the declination in ability of goblet cell synthesis and ITF secretion; and ITF drop especially ITF dimmer can enhance intestinal mucosa injury and delay intestinal mucosa repair.
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