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Journal Articles
Darboux Transformation and Soliton Solutions for a Variable-Coefficient Modified Kortweg-de Vries Model from Fluid Mechanics, Ocean Dynamics, and Plasma Mechanics
Pages: 673-678
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Communications in Theoretical Physics

Keyword:  variable-coefficient modified Kortweg-de Vries model Lax pair Darboux transformation soliton solutions;
Abstract: <正> This paper is to investigate a variable-coefficient modified Kortweg-de Vries (vc-mKdV) model, whichdescribes some situations from fluid mechanics, ocean dynamics, and plasma mechanics. By the Ablowitz-Kaup Newell-Segurprocedure and symbolic computation, the Lax pair of the ve-MKdV model is derived. Then, based on theaforementioned Lax pair, the Darboux transformation is constructed and a new one-soliton-like solution is obtained aswell. Features of the one-soliton-like solution are analyzed and graphically discussed to illustrate the influence of thevariable coefficients in the solitonlike propagation.
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