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Determination of gaseous semi- and low-volatile organic halogen compounds by barrier-discharge atomic emission spectrometry
Author(s): Yifei Sun 1 , Nobuhisa Watanabe 2 , Wei Wang 3 , Tianle Zhu 1, 1. School of Chemistry and Environment, Key Laboratory of Bio-Inspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China. 2. Department of Environmental Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka 5358585, Japan 3. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Pages: 213-
Year: 2013
Journal: Journal of Environmental Sciences
Keyword: organic halogen; semi- and low-volatile organic halogen; radiofrequency helium plasma; desorption;
Abstract: A group parameter approach using "total organic halogen" is effective for monitoring gaseous organic halogen compounds, including fluorine, chlorine, and bromine compounds, generated from combustion. We described the use of barrier-discharge radiofrequency- helium-plasma/atomic emission spectrometry, for the detection of semi- and low-volatile organic halogen compounds (SLVOXs), which can be collected by Carbotrap TM adsorbents and analyzed using thermal desorption. The optimal carrier gas flow rates at the injection and desorption lines were established to be 100 mL/min. The detection range for SLVOXs in the gaseous samples was from 10 ng to tens of micrograms. Measuring F was more difficult than measuring Cl or Br, because the wavelength of F is close to that of air. The barrier- discharge radiofrequency-helium-plasma/atomic emission spectrometry measured from 85% to 103% of the SLVOXs in the gas sample. It has been found that Carbotrap B is appropriate for high-boiling-point compounds, and Carbotrap C is suitable for the determination of organic halogen compounds with lower boiling points, in the range 200-230°C. Under optimal analysis conditions, a chlorine- containing plastic was destroyed using different oxygen concentrations. Lower oxygen concentrations resulted in the production of lower amounts of organic halogen compounds.
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