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Journal Articles
The Authenticity of Kuizhang Zheng Yao and the Relationship between Yu Ji and Jie Xisi
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)

Keyword:  《奎章政要》《太平政要》揭傒斯虞集《范先生诗序》Kuizhang Zheng YaoTaiping Zheng YaoJie XisiYu JiFanxiansheng Shi Xu;
Abstract: 揭斯著《奎章政要》一书的说法,最早见于元末陶宗仪《辍耕录》“奎章政要”条.根据与揭斯同时的欧阳玄为揭斯写的墓志铭、黄蟳为揭斯写的神道碑可以确定,《奎章政要》是讹窜揭斯的《太平政要》所致.“奎章政要”条的描述逻辑乖谬,基本是杜撰,这与元季人士对虞集、揭斯才华的估定以及对他们的熟稔程度有关.人们以揭斯在《范先生诗序》中所提供的虞集关于“元诗四家”的诗评为导火索,对虞、揭关系的解读逐渐偏离事实,引发出许多讹谬.%The earliest mention of Jie Xisi's writing of the book Kuizhang Zheng Yao(《奎章政要》) can be found in Tao Zong yi's Chuo Geng Lu(《辍耕录》). From Jie's epitaph written by his contem-porary Ouyang Xuan and the inscriptions on his tombstone written by Huang Jin,we can conclude that Kuizhang Zheng Yao was actually Jie's Taiping Zheng Yao(《太平政要》). That is to say,the entry of Jie's Kuizhang Zheng Yao in Chuo Geng Lu was invented by its author Tao Zongyi,which is against the fact and logic. Tao's invention is due to the fact that scholars in the late Yuan Dynasty misinterpreted the talents of and the relationship between Yu Ji and Jie Xisi,which gave rise to many misleading ac-counts in that regard. Their interpretation of the relationship between Yu and Jie is based on the shaky foundation of their misunderstanding of Jie's review of Yu's poems in Fanxiansheng Shi Xu(《范先生诗序》).
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