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Classification and Distribution of Mountainous Soils in Fujian Province Based on Chinese Soil Taxonomy
Author(s): CHEN Jian-fei
Pages: 1-
Year: 2001
Keyword: 山地土壤; 土壤系统分类; 垂直分布; 福建;
Abstract: In this study , based on Chinese Soil Taxonomy, the diagnostic features of several representative pedons in Wuyishan (located in middle subtropics), Meihuashan (located in the southern margin of middle-subtropics) and Gushan (located in the northern margin of south-subtropics) were identified and the soil classification correlation were discussed. Research results show that main diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteristics of mountainous soils in Fujian province are as the followings: Histic, Umbric, Ochric epipedons; Cambic, Argic, and LAC-ferric horizons; Udic, Perudic and Stagnic soil moisture regime, Thermic, and Mesic soil temperature regime, Allitic, Alic, Ferric, Low B.S. And Lithic contact. The main soil types and theirs distribution characteristics in the research area are as follows: Ranging from hill to middle-mountain, Udic Ferrisols, Udic Luvisols, Perudic Luvisols and Perudic Cambisols is distributed in sequence from the lower to higher elevation. Correspondingly, the soil changes from Udults to Aquepts according to USST and from Acrisols, Alisols, Cambisols to Umbrisols according to WRB. In addition, the different soil-forming environment resulting from different location of mountains leads to the different elevation limits of distribution of the soil types. For example, the latitude of Mt. Meihuashan is about 2.5° further south than that of Mt. Wuyishan, the former is superior to the latter as far as the heat condition is concerned. As far as the Ferric and Allitic process is concerned, the former also relatively stronger than the latter, which enables that the distribution elevation of Ferrisols in Mt. Wuyishan is 300~400m lower than that in Mt. Meihhuashan. Secondly, owing to the difference landform of the two mountains, namely, there are multi-level summit planation surface in Mt. Wuyishan where middle-mountain meadow grasses grow; and the landform of Mt. Meihuashan is "lotus-flower-shaped", middle-mountain meadow grasses don't grow in the summit, but they distribute in basins and valleys where the elevation is over 1000m . The former is better than the latter in drainage condition, therefore Perudic Cambisols mainly exists under the landscape of middle-mountain summit meadow grasses in Mt. Wuyishan and Stagnic Cambisols mainly exists under the landscape of middle-mountain basins and valleys in Mt. Meihuashan.
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