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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Toughening of Small Rubber Particles for SAN Resins
Pages: 26-27,38
Year: Issue:  1

Keyword:  SAN树脂增韧小橡胶粒子形态结构力学性能;
Abstract: A series of ABS resins were prepared by melt blending PB-g-SAN and SBR-g-SAN elastomers with SAN resins respectively.The morphology and mechanical properties of ABS resins were studied.It was found that PB and SBR rubber particles were dispersed homogeneously in SAN matrix,and their particle sizes were about 0.28μm and 0.05μm respectively.The determination of mechanical properties showed that the impact strength of ABS resins increased gradually with increasing PB-g-SAN content in SAN matrix,and SAN resins could not be effectively toughened by SBR rubber particles.When PB-g-SAN content was 15% in ABS resins,the impact toughness of ABS resins was improved gradually with increasing SBR-g-SAN content in SAN resins.
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