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Sequence Analysis of ORF3 and Partial ORF1 Region from
Two Patients Infected with New Genotype of Hepatitis E Virus(HEV)
Author(s): WANG You-chun, ZHANG Hua-yuan, GU Wen-jie, Roger Ling, Li He-min, Tim J Harrison
Pages: 28-
Year: 2001
Keyword: 戊型肝炎病毒; 基因型; 同源性; 开放读码框架;
Abstract: ORF3 and partial ORF1 regions were amplified with RT-PCR f rom two patients (T1 and T11)infected with new genotype of hepatitis E Virus. Th e PCR products were cloned and sequenced. The results showed that G-C rich regi on in ORF3 was deleted when amplified with normal PCR reaction. However, PCR rea ction containing G-C melt solution can overcome this problem. The sequence anal ysis showed that T1 and T11 belong to a new genotype of HEV which differs from g enotype I,II and III reported.T1 and T11 have 79%~82%, 80%~81% and 83%~85% id entical to genotype I,II and III respectively.
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