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Prediction of TAP Binding Affinity of Peptide and Selection Specificity Using VHSE Descriptors
Author(s): PAN Xian-Chao1, MEI Hu1, 2*, XIE Jiang-An2, L Juan2, WANG Qing2, ZHANG Ya-Lan2, TAN Wen2
Pages: 2556-
Year: 2012
Journal: Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities
Keyword: 抗原处理相关转运蛋白; 抗原肽; 氨基酸描述子VHSE; 支持向量机; 活性; 选择特异性;
Abstract: 应用氨基酸描述子VHSE(Principal component score vector of hydrophobic,steric,and electronic proper-ties)对613个抗原9肽进行结构表征,在此基础上,采用支持向量机结合逐步回归变量筛选方法,成功建立了抗原肽抗原处理相关转运蛋白(Transporter associated with antigen processing,TAP)亲和活性预测模型,最优线性支持向量机模型的R2,Q2和R2ext分别为0.7386,0.7270和0.6057.模型结果分析表明,影响TAP亲和活性的首要因素是电性,其次是立体和疏水性质;底物9肽的P1(N端)及P2,P7和P9(C端)位氨基酸物化性质对TAP亲和活性有重要影响,而P3,P4,P5和P6位对模型贡献相对较小,P8位则与活性无关.依据最优模型对模拟点突变9肽的TAP亲和活性的预测结果,并结合变量载荷分析,对TAP底物选择特异性进行了分析和总结.
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