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Journal Articles
Discussion on Reformation and Practice of VB Basic Education under New Situation
Pages: 60-62,65
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Taiyuan Science and Technology

Keyword:  VB基础教育案例教学双向互动实验室教学网站VB basic educationcase teachingtwo-way interaction laboratoryteaching website;
Abstract: 分析了VB基础教育的现状,提出改变课程结构、改进教学内容、运用多种教学手段、建设网络资源等方面的改革措施,以真正培养出面向应用、结合专业、强化实践、自主创新的新一代人才。%In this paper, the authors analyzed status of VB basic education, and put forward reformation measures of changing curriculum structure, improving teaching content, using multiple teaching means and building network resources in order to cultivate new generation talents with features of facing application, combing specialty, strengthening practice and indepen- dent innovation.
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