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Journal Articles
Study of Two South/North Maneuver Strategies of Geostationary Satellite
Pages: 41-44,72
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Aerospace Shanghai

Keyword:  三轴稳定地球同步卫星南北位置保持短期策略长期策略Geostationary satelliteSouth and north station keepingShort-term strategyLong-term strategy;
Abstract: 根据倾角漂移基本原理,对某三轴稳定地球同步卫星的倾角控制短期策略和长期策略进行了研究。仿真结果表明:两种南北位置保持策略均能使倾角控制在既定的精度范围内,从长远角度看,短期策略的南北保持周期略长,卫星控制频度基本相当;长期策略燃料消耗量较少,方法实现相对复杂。%According to the theory of inclination drift of geostationary satellite, the long-term and short-term inclination control strategies for some geostationary satellite were analyzed in this paper. The simulation results showed that the demand of control precision could be implemented by the two strategies. On a long view the south and north keeping period of short-term strategy was a little longer, and the control frequency was near equal, but less fuel was required in the control process of long-term strategy, which was more complicated.
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