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Journal Articles
Study on Effect of Buqi-Tongluo Prescription on Resumption of Rats' Tricipital Muscle Wet Weight After Nerve Injury
Pages: 10-13
Year: Issue:  1

Keyword:  补气通络方周围神经损伤小腿三头肌湿重实验大鼠;
Abstract: Purpose:To study the effect and mechanism of Buqi-Tongluo Prescription-a compound TCM drug including capsule and injection on resumption of rats's injured sciatic nerve and to discover some evidences for clinical treatment on peripheral nerve injury.Methods:48 clean Wistar rats models were made after all rats' right sciatic nerves were cut and then repaired with technique of neurorrhaphy.Then all injured rats were divided randomly into 4 groups and there were 12 rats in each group.All rats divided into Ⅰ group were treated with Buqi-Tongluo Capsule,Ⅱ group with Buqi-Tongluo Injection,Ⅲ group with Vitamin B1 & B6 Capsule,Ⅳ group with no drugs(Ⅳ).When having been treated for 4,8 and 12 weeks,4 rats at one time were picked out randomly from each group and had their wet weight of tricipital muscle (WW0TM)checked (after being killed) and compared with each other.Results:Both Ⅰ and Ⅱ group rats' WW0TM were bigger than those of Ⅲ group (P<0.05) and Ⅳ group (P<0.01);and Ⅲ group's WW0TM bigger than of Ⅳ group's also (P<0.05).Conclusions:Both Buqi-Tongluo capsule and injection could facilitate the regeneration of inured peripheral nerve and help injured nerve regain its function.
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