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Journal Articles
Comparison of Genetic Diversity among Maize Inbred Lines Based on RFLPs, SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs
Pages: 725-733
Year: Issue:  8

Keyword:  maize (Zea may L.)molecular markersgenetic similarity;
Abstract: RFLPs, SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs were used to detect the genetic diversity among 15 maize inbred lines. A total of 56 probe enzyme combinations, 66 SSR primers, 20 RAPD primers and 9 AFLP primer combinations were identified with polymorphism among the entries, which produced 167, 201, 180 and 87 alleles respectively. SSR markers have the highest polymorphism information content (PIC, 0.47) and AFLP markers have the lowest value (0.36), while AFLP markers possess the highest assay efficiency index (Ai, 32.4). A comparison of genetic similarity matrices revealed that the estimates of correlation coefficients based on RFLPs, SSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs were significantly correlated, but the correlation of RAPD maker data with other markers was lower. These inbred lines were classified into five groups based on four molecular markers data, which are Tangsipingtou, Luda Red Cob, Lancaster, Reid, and PN group. They are consistent with the grouping based on the available pedigree data. Based on the results, we recommend RFLPs and SSRs for genetic diversity analysis among maize germplasm.
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