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Journal Articles
The Analysis Method Based on Ash- Composition and Its Application in Coal- Accumulating Environment Reconstruction
Pages: 460-464
Year: Issue:  3

Keyword:  ash- composition environment analysis coal accumulation Hedong Coal Basin;
Abstract: The Analysis Method Based on Ash - Composition is a new method in coal - accumulating environment analy-sis and reconstruction. Principles of the method are that all ash composition comes from the minerals and clasts incoal seams, so it is possible to reversely infer the sorts, contents and grading law of the minerals and clasts of coalseam from the sorts, contents and grading law of ash composition , in advance to judge the coal forming environ-ment. Main points are as follows: (1) According to the end - memberanalyze the sort , content and its grading law of clay miner-als and land - source clasts in coal seams , in advance to judge the main direction of trasportion. (2) According to the end - member CaO - MgO, analyze the sort and content of calcium - magnesium mineralin coal, in advance to judge the distance between coal- accumulating environment and the marine. (3) According to the end- memberanalyze the sort and content of iron mineral (esp. pyrite),in advance to judge the oxidation - reduction condition of coal - accumulating environment. This method was applied in studying accumulating environment of coal seam No. 10 in Taiyuan Group, He-dong Coal Basin, and achieved satisfactory result, which proved that the analysis method based on ash - composi-tion is a valuable way in reconstructing coal forming environment.
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