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Automatic location and extraction method for phalangeal epiphyseal range of interest
Author(s): Ran Long-ke1, 2, Song Fang-zhou3, 4, Tan Peng-cheng1, Jin Jing1 1Department of Computer, School of Basic Medicine, 2Laboratory of Forensic and Biology Information Technology, 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 4Center of Molecular Medicine and Oncology, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China
Pages: 5535-
Year: 2011
Journal: Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
Keyword: 指骨; 骨骺; 骨骺兴趣提取; 兴趣区域; 骨龄;
Abstract: 背景:在骨龄自动化评定中,许多方法对骨骺兴趣区域的提取不够理想。目的:通过k余弦算法定位出手指骨的特征点,解决对骨骺兴趣区域的提取的困难和提取方法的局限性。方法:提取指骨兴趣区域,并用各向异性扩散方法进行滤波,然后根据骨龄指骨的图像数据进行统计,寻找出定位指骨中心点的方法,通过3次多项式对中心点线进行拟合,定位出指骨的中心轴,在此基础上提取出指骨骨骺兴趣区域。结果与结论:用该方法定位出的指骨中心轴比较真实的反映指骨骨架,在此基础上能提取出指骨骨骺兴趣区域,成功率>95%,并能运用到后续对指骨骨骺兴趣区域相关的评定中。
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