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The reliability and validity of Chinese version of Strategies Used by People to Promote Health
Author(s): QIAN Hui-juan, YUAN Chang-rong
Pages: 87-
Year: 2011
Journal: Chinese Journal of Nursing
Abstract: 目的 研究中文版癌症自我管理效能感量表,即健康促进策略量表(Strategies Used by People to Promote Health,SUPPH)在癌症患者自我管理效能感评定中的信、效度.方法 将英文版SUPPH经过肿瘤护理专家多次翻译、回译和共同讨论后,通过召开专家和患者座谈会的方式,对14名从事肿瘤护理人员和5例肿瘤患者将条目逐一进行咨询,以了解不同文化背景下SUPPH的表述方式...
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