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Investigation of silicon and aluminium removed mechanism by alkaline leaching from the titania slag in electric furnace
Author(s): LU Hui, XIE Gang, YU Xiao-hua, LIN Rong-xing, FANG Ning, YANG Ni, YAO Yun
Pages: 53-
Year: 2010
Journal: Light Metals
Keyword: 电炉钛渣; 高压碱浸; 脱除硅; 铝 机理研究;
Abstract: 云南地区电炉钛渣中硅、铝含量较高,而钙、镁含量较低,针对此典型特点,首次提出由电炉钛渣经高压碱浸-高温改性-酸浸除杂制备人造全红石的新工艺.文章侧重研究碱浸除硅、铝的机理与脱除效果.研究结果表明:常压条件下,硅以Na2SiO3形态进入浸出液,浸出率达到65%,铝则以NaAl(OH)4形态进入浸出液,浸出率可达25%;高压条件下,硅的漫出率可达75%,铝的漫出率可达20%.有利于下阶段的高温改性,使...
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