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All-Solid-State Continuous-Wave All-Intracavity Sum-Frequency Mixing Blue Laser at 488 nm
Author(s): Wang Junguang1 Li Yongliang2 Tian Yinghua3 Lü, Wang1 Bao Lin1 Quan Hui11School of Science, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China2School of Opto-Electronic Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China3School of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin 130022, China
Pages: 1669-
Year: 2010
Journal: Chinese Journal of Lasers
Keyword: 激光器; 全固态; 复合腔; 和频; 蓝光激光器;
Abstract: 报道了全固态连续波488 nm蓝光激光器,蓝激光分别由Nd:YLF4(Nd:YLF)和Nd:YVO4晶体的1047和914 nm谱线非线性和频产生,实验中采用复合腔结构,利用LiB3O5(LBO)晶体I类临界相位进行腔内和频,当总注入抽运功率为32.2 W(注入到Nd:YLF晶体和Nd:YVO4晶体的抽运功率分别为13.4和18.8 W)时,获得650 mW的TEM00连续波488 nm蓝光激光输出。30 min功率不稳定度优于±2.8%。光束质量因子M2=1.3。
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