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Inhibition on the activities of detoxification enzymes in Sitophilus zeamais of essential oil extracted from Artemisia scoparia
Author(s): SHANG Li-na, YUAN Hai-bin, WEI Chun-yan, REN Bing-zhong
Pages: 116-
Year: 2010
Journal: Journal of Northeast Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
Keyword: 精油; 猪毛蒿; 玉米象; 酶活力;
Abstract: 植物精油是一种最具潜力的储粮防护剂,对储粮害虫具有多种生物活性并能影响害虫体内酶活力的变化.采用5种质量分数的猪毛蒿精油(1%,5%,10%,15%,20%)分别处理玉米象2,4,8,12,24 h后,测试了玉米象体内4种解毒酶活力的变化情况.结果表明,经猪毛蒿精油触杀后,玉米象体内4种解毒酶的活力发生了变化.酸性磷酸酯酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酯酶(ALP)和α-乙酸萘酯酶(α-NACarE)活力受...
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