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Research on Congestion Control Algorithm of Video Transmission Based on Layered Multicast
- Ke C H,Shieh C,Hwang W,et al.An evaluation framework for more realistic simulations of MPEG video transmission.Journal of Information Science and Engineering,2008,24(2):425~440
- Canne S M,Jacobson V,Vetterli M.Receiver-driven layered multiCast.In:Proc of ACM SIGCOMM'96,Stanford,CA,August 1996
- Van G,David P,Reisslein M.Traffic characteristics of H.264/AVC variable bit rate video.IEEE Communications Magazine,2008,46(11):164~174
- Vicisano L,Rizzo L,Croweroft J.TCP-like congestion control for layered multicast data transfer.In:Proc of IEEE INFOCOM '98,April 1998
- Nakauchi K,Morikawa H,Aoyama T.A network-supported approach to layered muhicast.In Proc of IEEE ICC2001,June 2001
- Klaue J,Rathke B,Wofisz A E.A framework for video transmission and quality evaluation.In:the 13th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation,Urbana,Illinois,USA,2003
- Canne S M,Floyd S.The LBNL network simulator,NS-2.,2008
- Patrick S,Frank H P,Martin R.Video traces for network performance evaluation.Germany:Springer Press,2006
- Ke C H,Shieh C,Hwang W,et al.An evaluation framework for more realistic simulations of MPEG video transmission.Journal of Information Science and Engineering,2008,24(2):425~440
- Canne S M,Jacobson V,Vetterli M.Receiver-driven layered multiCast.In:Proc of ACM SIGCOMM'96,Stanford,CA,August 1996
- Van G,David P,Reisslein M.Traffic characteristics of H.264/AVC variable bit rate video.IEEE Communications Magazine,2008,46(11):164~174
- Vicisano L,Rizzo L,Croweroft J.TCP-like congestion control for layered multicast data transfer.In:Proc of IEEE INFOCOM '98,April 1998
- Nakauchi K,Morikawa H,Aoyama T.A network-supported approach to layered muhicast.In Proc of IEEE ICC2001,June 2001
- Klaue J,Rathke B,Wofisz A E.A framework for video transmission and quality evaluation.In:the 13th International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation,Urbana,Illinois,USA,2003
- Canne S M,Floyd S.The LBNL network simulator,NS-2.,2008
- Patrick S,Frank H P,Martin R.Video traces for network performance evaluation.Germany:Springer Press,2006