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Factors Affecting Metal-Plate Connected Wood Joint Tension Performance
Author(s): GUO Wei, FEI Ben-hua, ZHAO Rong-jun, ZHOU Hai-bin, WANG Xiao-huan, GU Ya-li
Pages: 1-
Year: 2010
Journal: China Wood Industry
Abstract: 以38 mm×89 mm规格材为对象,研究齿板接合节点的连接性能,发现:AA构型承受拉伸载荷的能力最强;随着齿板长度、宽度的增加,齿板连接节点的拉伸载荷增大,并且,增加齿板宽度对增大载荷的效果更佳;齿板试件放置7~21天较为适宜进行力学测试;齿板连接节点的极限拉伸载荷和刚度,均随着木材-齿板间隙的增大而降低.
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