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Journal Articles
revisiting the model of servicing machines with repairable service facility-a new analyzing idea and some new results
Pages: 557-566
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica

Keyword:  Repairable service facility reliability index failure number breakdown;
Abstract: In this paper the model of servicing machines with repairable facility is further studied.By standard conditioning decomposition argument,two reliability indices-the probability that the service facility fails at time t and the expected number of failure occurring during(0,t] are discussed.Some important relations of them are given.Furthermore,some new reliability problems are presented and discussed as follows:1) The numbers of the service facility failures during the generalized service time and the generalized busy period;2) The asymptotic expansion of the expected failure number of the service facility during(0,t].A series of new reliability results of the service facility are obtained.
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