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effect of cavities inside tube banks on acoustic resonance
Author(s): HIROMITSU Hamakawa1, HIDENOBU Miyagi2, AND Eiichinishida31.departmentofmechanicalengineering, OITA University, 700 Dannoharu, OITA 8701192, JAPAN2.CYUOUHATSUJYOU Kougyou, 503 Jyuunimachi, hita, 877 8501, JAPAN 3.departmentofmechanicalsystemsengineering, SHONAN Instituteoftechnology, 1 125tujidounisikaigan, fujisawa, 251 8511, japan
Pages: 67-
Year: 2010
Journal: Journal of Thermal Science
Keyword: Acoustic Resonance; Flow Induced Noise; In-line Tube Banks; Cavity; Boiler;
Abstract: In the present paper the attention is focused on the effect of small cavities inside in-line tube banks on acoustic resonance which occurred in the two-dimensional model of boiler.We measured the sound pressure level,the amplitude and the phase delay of acoustic pressures and the gap velocity.As a result,we found many peak frequencies of sound pressure level with different Strouhal numbers,mainly about St=0.15,0.26 and 0.52.The variation of SPL for St=0.26,0.52 components in the tube banks with cavities was the same as the result of no cavities.The existence of cavities inside in-line tube banks caused the resonance of St=0.15.And the acoustic resonance of the first mode in the transverse direction was generated if the small cavities existed inside the tube banks.This resonance was not generated from the tube banks of no cavities.The resonance onset velocity in the transverse mode was fairly slower than that of no cavities.It was easy to generate acoustic resonance when there were small cavities inside in-line tube banks.
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