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Journal Articles
A niching PSO algorithm based on clustering
Pages: 73-76
Year: Issue:  1
Journal: Journal of Xiangtan Mining Institute

Keyword:  PSO algorithmmulti-modal optimizationclustering method;
Abstract: For searching multi-maximum points of multi-modal functions,by analyzing standard particle swarm optimizer,a new niching method for particle swarm optimizer was proposed,which could identify and track global and local optima in a multi-modal search space.The sub-populations which represent the groups of particles specialized on niches were dynamically identified using density-based clustering algorithms.With this multi-population strategy,the diversity within the population was preserved and all the global/local optima were identified directly without further post-processing.Test solutions illustrate that the presented algorithm is efficient for both one-variable functions and multi-variable functions.6figs.,10refs.
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