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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Preparation of meta-chlorobenzotrifluoride
Pages: 54-57
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Nanjing University of Chemical Technolo

Keyword:  meta-chlorobenzotrifluoridebenzotrifluoridechlorinationlatin square design;
Abstract: Chlorination of benzotrifluoride to produce the metachlorobenzotrifluoride was studied.Block test was used to analyze various factors,such as reaction time,reaction temperature,dosage of catalyst and dosage of chlorine.The best technique conditions were as follows:Reaction time is 10h; Reaction temperature is 20℃;Weighr ratio of catalyst to whole materiel is 1.5%;The molar ratio of chlorine to benzotrifluoride is 2∶1.The average yield of meta-chlorobenzotrifluoride is 78.53% in the optimum reaction conditions.
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