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Journal Articles
Determination of Naringin in Shang Tong Shu Tablet by HPLC
Pages: 108-109
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese

Keyword:  Shang Tong Shu TabletnaringinHPLCcontant determination;
Abstract: Objective:To establish HPLC method for determination of naringin in Shang Tong Shu Tablet.Methods:Naringin was separated on Diammond ODS C18(4.6mm×200mm,5μm)column and detected at 283nm,with methanol-water-2%phospboric acid as mobile phase.Results:There was good linearity from 0.1374~0.6870μg(y=91482.37x-3501.54 r=0.9998)in separation of naringin.The average recovery was 97.94%with RSD of(1.6358)%.Conclusion:This method is simple,rapid and accurate.This study provides the reference to establish quality standard for Shang Tong Shu Tablets.
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