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Journal Articles
Processing Technique of Pre-stack Migration in Complex Structures of Yanqi Basin
Pages: 74-77,171
Year: Issue:  6
Journal: Oil & Gas Technology

Keyword:  pre-stack migrationcomplex structureYanqi Basin;
Abstract: In consideration of the characteristics of complex subsurface structure,many lakes and wamps in the surface and the relatively high precision of migration image in Yanqi Basin,it was proposed that pre-stack depth migration was selected for migration imaging.The basic principle of Kirchhoff method for pre-stack depth migration,the shot-field wave equation method and the main methods of precise foundation of migration velocity method were described,but also the factors influencing pre-stack depth migration imaging were discussed and an example was provided.The actual processing effects show that based on the precisely establishing the velocity model,the effect of pre-stack depth migration for the complicated structure of Yanqi Basin is much better than that of normal migration.It can be introduced in oilfields.
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