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Journal Articles
Numerical Simulation of Influencing Factors on Stability of Flat Roadway Intersection
Pages: 192-196,201
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Ground Pressure and Strata Control

Keyword:  roadwayintersectionsexcavationFLAC3D softwarenumerical simulation;
Abstract: In order to study the unstable mechanism of roadway intersection and to find an effective supporting form,factors of intersection styles,depth,strength,excavation order,and excavation interval are numerically studied using Flac3D software.The results show that deformation and failure in areas of all styles of roadway intersections are more serious than those of roadways without any intersection,with the deformation at the cross style of roadway intersection being the most serious.As far as depth and strength of surrounding rock are concerned,each of them has a critical value.Deformation and destruction of roadway intersections will be aggravated when depth is greater than or strength of surrounding rock is smaller than the critical values.When cross style of roadway intersection is excavated,a small excavation interval should be chosen;in addition,in excavating branch lanes,we should prevent the distant branch lanes from connecting the main lane and minimize the superposition effect of two branch lanes being excavated on the stability of intersection.Therefore,when the depth is certain,we should choose the area where the strata is strong for roadway intersections,otherwise the surrounding rocks should be reinforced.Besides,reasonable excavation method and unloading form should be adopted to improve the stability of roadway intersections.
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