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Journal Articles
Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on wavelet packet combined autoregressive power spectrum theory
Pages: 56-58,76-4
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Scien

Keyword:  wavelet packetautoregressive power spectrumrolling bearingfault diagnosis;
Abstract: A fault diagnosis method is proposed based on wavelet packet combined autoregressive power spectrum. In this method, high and low frequency quadrature conjugate mirror filter banks is used to project rolling bearing sampling signal onto different frequency bands; the number of data is decreased to half and sampling time interval is doubled by every filtering; to get higher time and frequency resolution, zero is interpolated into the frequency bands of the defects , zero is added to other bands, and then the signal is reconstructed; the work state of the bearing can be analyzed according to autoregressive power spectrum of the bearing. The diagnosis result of early defect of 207 rolling bearing tallies with the actual situation, which testifies that the method is effective to the extraction and diagnosis of the weak signal of defects.
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