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China/Asia On Demand
Journal Articles
Prospect of Laser Drilling Technology
Pages: 38-40,62
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute(Natural Scien

Keyword:  laserthermal drillinglaser drilling;
Abstract: In order to meet the need of petroleum industry development, conventional drilling methods should be improved. In this article, the principle of laser drilling is introduced based on the behaviour of high energy density of laser. By means of lasers, the other forms of energy are transferred into optical energy, and very high temperature is produced to melt, fuse, vaporise and shatter the rock to be drilled. It is pointed out that laser drilling has a power of potential in decreasing drilling cost and environmental pollution, and laser drilling may revolutionize drilling industry. It is suggested that the principle of laser drilling is comprehensively studied, the feasibility of laser drilling under economical and technological conditions of our country, the influences of laser drilling on reservoir and production, the specific need of lasers used in drilling well should all be discussed. The application of laser drilling in the oilfields of our country should be tried.
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