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Studies on chemical constituents of flavones from Lobelia chinensis Lour
Author(s): JIANG Yanyan, SHI Renbing, LIU Bin, WANG Qiuying, DAI Ying
Pages: 59-
Year: 2009
Journal: Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Keyword: Lobelia chinensis Lour.; flavanoids; chemical constituent; structural identification;
Abstract: Objective To study the chemical constituents of flavones in Lobelia chinensis Lour.Method The chemical constituents of flavones in Lobelia chinensis Lour were extracted with 70% ehtonal and isolated by various coloumn chromatography and recrystallization,and identified by various kinds of spectroscopic methods.Results 9 flavanoids were isolated and identified as apigenin(1),loteolin(2),Diosmetin(3),chrysoeriol(4),hesperidin(5),loteolin-7-O-β-D-glucoside(6),apigenin-7-O-β-D-glucoside(7),linarin(8)and diosmin(9).Conclusion All of these compouds were obtained from Lobelia chinensis Lour. for the first time.
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