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Journal Articles
Effect of acute hypervolemic hemodilution combined with nicardipine controlled hypotension on hemodynamics in perioperation period of revision operation of total hip replacement
Pages: 503-506
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Sc

Keyword:  acute hypervolemic hemodilutionnicardipinehypotensioncontrolledrevision operation of total hip replacement;
Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of acute hypervolemic hemodilution(AHH) combined with nicardipine controlled hypotension on hemodynamics changes in revision operation of total hip replacement.Methods Forty patients were divided into two groups according to the sequence of the surgery(odd number came into group A,even number came into group B,20 in each group).In group A,AHH was carried out with nicardipine controlled hypotension;group B was control group.AHH was carried out in both groups before anesthesia induction.6%voluven was transfused in group A at 15 mL·kg-1 and 30 mL·min-1 and nicardipine was transfused at 0.3-0.5 mL·kg-1·h-1 with MAP altering between 60 and 65 mmHg;Same quantity of physiological saline was transfused in group B.HR,MAP,CVP,Hb,Hct and Plt were recorded and observed at preoperation,1 h after AHH and 24 h after the operation.Results In group A after AHH with nicardipine controlled hypotension,MAP was obviously lower than pre-operation(P<0.01) and group B(P<0.01) and higher than group B when controlled hypotension ceased.There was no much variation in HR.There was an evident rise of CVP in both groups(P<0.01),it was lower in group A than that in group B(P<0.05).Hb,Hct and Plt decreased evidently after AHH(P<0.01,P<0.05) and went up 24 h post-operation,and there was no statistical significance when they went lower than preoperation in group B,while Hb in group A was still lower than that pre-operation(P<0.05).Conclusion AHH combined with nicardipine controlled hypotension can maintain stable hemodynamics in revision operation of total hip replacement.
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