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Journal Articles
Phenylbuty rate-Induced Differentiation in Human Glioma Cells
Pages: 351-355
Year: Issue:  4
Journal: Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou

Keyword:  sodium phenylbutyrategliomainvasioncell differentiation;
Abstract: Objective To measure the differentiation inducing effect of Sodium phenylbutyrate,a novel inducer,on human glioma cells,prepared for further study of induced glioma cell differentiation associated genes.Methods The differentiation of human glioma cell strain SHG-44-9 induced by sodium phenylbutyrate was confirmed by 5 tests,such as MTT,soft agar clone forming test,flow cytometry,GFAP immunofluorescency and morphology,furthermore, cell mobility was studied by scratch test.Results The glioma cells were induced to differentiation by 2mM sodium phenylbutyrate obviously,showing growth arrest,clone-forming ability loss,extension of cell processes,G 1 phase cells accumulating,GFAP expression increasing and mobility inhibition.Conclusion Human glioma cells could be induced differentiation by sodium phenylbutyrate sensitively,with mobility inhibited and the expression of genes associated with glioma cell differentiation may change.
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