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Experimental Observation on Two-layer Technipue of Suture in Colo--anal Anastomosis
Author(s): ZHAO Hong, GAO Min, GUO Zhongxing, SHEN Kuntang, KUANG Yuting, ZHANG Zhide
Pages: 141-
Year: 1994
Journal: Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou
Keyword: colo anal- anal anastomosis ; two- layed anastomosis ; colon; anal canal(P. 1 4 1 );
Abstract: controlled trial of one- and tWo--layer techniques of suture for colo- anal anastomosis wasdone on 1 0 dogs. The speAnens of anastomesis were examined by- naked eye aam taler "microscope for1, 2 and 8 weeks respectively after the animals wcre killed. No Dnastomotic leakage occurred in 5 dogsin which two- layed technique of suture were Performed but 2 dehiscences in the control group. Thereare significant difference between two types of anastomosis in the test of tensile strength. The resultsof the experiment show that the tWo- layer technique of suture of Colo- anal anastomosis is helpful inincreasing the tensile strength of the anastomesis, and doesnt affect the blood supply to theanastomosis. so' that this tWo- layer technique of suture Can be used for Preventing anastomosis leakageeffectively.
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