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Journal Articles
The Application Value of Three-dimensional/Four-dimensional Ultrasound in Embryo Transfer
Pages: 159-161
Year: Issue:  3
Journal: Foreign Medical Sciences(Family Planning/Reproductive Health Fascicle)

Keyword:  Embryo transferThree-dimensional (3D) ultrasoundFour-dimensional (4D) ultrasoundMaximal implantation potential (MIP);
Abstract: Embryo transfer (ET) is one of the most important elements of assisted reproductive technology (ART), and the optimized location of embryo placement is the key influencing factor of the pregnancy rate of test tube baby. ET guided by two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound has become the currently standardized transfer technology. However it couldn't make sure the location of embryo in uterine cavity. Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound could observe cavity morphous and make sure the embryo location. And the four -dimensional (4D) sonography could further improve transfer technology with the instruction of ET real time and the select of individual site of transfer. This article reviews the papers about ultrasound -guided ET and embryo location in order to promote the instruction of ET and the select of the optimized ET site.
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