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The Application of Molecular Adjuvant in DNA Vaccine
Author(s): ZHENG Xiu-hui, LIANG Pei-he, LI Li. Battle Surgery Institute, the Third Affiliated Hospital of the Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China
Pages: 205-
Year: 2009
Journal: Foreign Medical Sciences(Family Planning/Reproductive Health Fascicle)
Keyword: DNA vaccine; Molecular adjuvant; Cell immunity; Humoral immunity;
Abstract: How to enhance and promote the immunological effects is the key point of the design and study of new DNA vaccine, and one strategy is the optimization of DNA vaccine using molecular adjuvant. The molecular adjuvant can make co-immune of DNA vaccine and immuno-stimulation molecular transferred by gene. The in vivo expressions of corresponding proteins can enhance the humoral and cellullar immunologic responses of T and B cells. At present, the molecular adjuvants have drawn more attentions especially the cytokines, such as interferon (IFN), interleukin (IL-2 and IL-12) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF); co-stimulatory molecules, such as B7-2 and CD40L; complement adjuvant C3; immnostimulation sequences, such as CpG and ODN. The molecular adjuvants, which co -expressed with vaccine genes in vivo, can improve the surrounding microenvironments and promote the immunological effects of vaccine. Therefore, molecular adjuvant is one of the present hot spots of DNA vaccine studies.
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