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Journal Articles
Penetration of disk fragments following impact on thin plate
Pages: 677-684
Year: Issue:  5
Journal: Journal of Zhejiang University Science A

Keyword:  AeroengineDisk burst failureCase containment capabilityBallistic limit velocity;
Abstract: To investigate the ballistic resistance and failure pattern of aeroengine casing following the impact of disk fragments,and to determine the optimum case structure,the phenomena of a 1/3rd disk fragment impact on single and double-layered thin plate targets were simulated using nonlinear dynamical analysis software MSC.Dytran.Strain rate effect was introduced in a Johnson-Cook (JC)material model for the disk fragment and the plate.Impact modeling was based on the Arbitrary Lagrange-Eulerian method,and simulated using explicit finite element method(FEM).Simulation results showed that the major failure pattern of the plate is shearing and tensile fracture with large plastic deformation.It Was also concluded that the ballistic limit velocity increases with the standoff distance when it iS beyond a certain value.and that greater resistance is obtained when the front plate has either a proportionately low or high thickness.The impact resistance of a double-layered plate may exceed that of a single plate if the thicknesses and standoff distance of the two plates are set appropriately.
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