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Design of S-band re-entrant cavity BPM
Author(s): LUO Qing, SUN Baogen, HE Duohui
Pages: 133-
Year: 2009
Journal: Nuclear Science and Techniques
Keyword: Cavity BPM; Re-entrant; Cut-through waveguide; MAFIA; Omega3p; AD8302;
Abstract: An S-band cavity BPM is designed for a new injector for HLS (Hefei Light Source). It consists of two cavities that work on 2448 MHz: a re-entrant position cavity tuned to TM110 mode and a reference cavity tuned to TM010 mode. Cut-through waveguides are used as pickups to suppress the monopole signal. Simulations with different assumption of dimension change are performed to evaluate errors caused by mechanical error and give general tolerance. Design of electronics is given. Theoretical resolution of this design is 31 nm.
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