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Journal Articles
Colonization by waterbirds of artificial lakes after surface mining:a case study
Pages: 602-614
Year: Issue:  4

Keyword:  WaterbirdSand-pit lakeOccurrenceN esting;
Abstract: Occurrence of waterbird species was studied on 13 sand-pit lakes in the Trebon Basin Bjiosphere Reserve(South Bohemia, Czech Republic) in 1999-2003 with the hypothesis, that these artificial lakes will be colonized gradually by some species of waterbirds, living in fishponds in the same area. Seventeen species of "hard littoral flora" were found as an important component of the waterbird environment. Fourty two species of water birds were recorded in the sand-pit lakes. These species belong to 10 orders of birds. The seasonal course of waterbird occurrence reflects the causes of the individual species occurrence (nesting, migration). The waterbird occurrence was affected by mining activity. Both environmental and anthropogenic factors affected the occurrence of the most numerous species: mallard Anas platyrhynchos, mute swan Cygnus olor, great crest grebe Podiceps cristatus. Sand-pit lakes represent biotopes that can serve Biosphere Reserve: little bittern Ixobrychus minutus and great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus and potentially for other bird species. The experience from sand-pits in South Bohemia has importance for research of succession, in similar conditions elsewhere
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