Continuous-wave operation of a room-temperature Tm: YAP-pumped Ho: YAG laser
Author(s):Baoquan Yao, Xiaoming Duan, Yufeng Li, Liangliang Zheng, Yuezhu Wang, Guangjun Zhao, Jun Xu Pages:520-522 Year:2008
Issue:7 Journal:CHINESE OPTICS OF LETTERS Abstract:We report a continuous-wave (CW) 2.1-μm Ho:YAG laser operating at room temperature pumped by a diode-pumped 1.94-?m Tm:YAP laser.The maximum output power of 1.5 W is obtained from Ho:YAG laser,corresponding to Tm-to-Ho slope efficiency of 17.9% and diode-to-He conversion efficiency of 5.6%.